How to save a document from the Internet to a computer. Copying texts from the Internet to Word

  1. How to save text from a secure site?
  2. How to copy from the Internet
  3. How to copy text and pictures at the same time
  4. Conclusion
  5. Method number 1: Transfer the source of information in its original form on a PC
  6. Standard remedy No. 2
  7. Windows "
  8. But how to copy text from the Internet to a computer if standard tools do not work?
  9. Browser extensions
  10. Finally

Traveling through the vast expanses of the Internet, we find many useful information . Sometimes you want to save instructions or a recipe on your computer so that it can be printed on paper. Many novice users wonder: “ How to save a page from the Internet to a computer? "

Consider one of the ways to save text information from any site to your computer.

The easiest option:

  1. select the desired text fragment;
  2. copy it;
  3. paste into a text editor (for example, or);
  4. save Text Document .

Consider each item in more detail.

1. Select the desired text fragment

Selection is carried out with the mouse, as follows: place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the selection. Press the left mouse button and holding it, move the cursor over the text. The text will begin to stand out. We release the left mouse button after selecting the desired area. If the selection fails, repeat it again.

2. Copy the selection

To copy, click right click mouse on the selected fragment to bring up the context menu. Now from this menu, left-click on the Copy command. You won’t notice anything on the screen, but the selected text and pictures are copied to your computer’s memory (clipboard).

3. Paste into a text editor.

To insert into a text editor, you must first run it. AT Windows system there is which we will use to save a text document. We start it from the Start menu -> All programs -> Accessories -> WordPad . After the launch, a clean white sheet appears, on it we will paste the copied text. To do this, point the insertion point with the mouse cursor and right-click. AT context menu select the Paste item and left-click.

AT   context menu   select the Paste item and left-click

All text will be inserted, if this does not happen, then you have incorrectly completed step two.

4. Save the text document

After all the necessary text has been copied, it must be saved on your computer. To do this, select the Save command from the File menu. Now you need to specify the name of our document and the place to save it.

Easy way

To save a page from the Internet to a computer and watch it offline, in modern browsers is available special function . Right-click on the page and select the Save As .. command in the context menu .

So in specified folder the page and folder (with the same name) will be saved with graphic elements (pictures from the page).

How to save text from a secure site?

On the network you can meet sites with copy protection information and the above method does not work. What to do in this case? If you only need text information , then save the page as a test file with the .txt extension. And then we look through it with Notepad . Or rather, we will do so. In the File browser menu, select the Save As command


In ordinary computer mouse two keys. One under the index finger, the other under the middle. If you are confused about which key to press, remember: To indicate to the computer what it needs to do, use the index finger. To show him that you are smarter and know that he is hiding something from you, use the middle one.

Friends, if the information was useful to you, share it in social networks . The buttons below. Let your friends be in the know.

Sincerely, Sergey Fomin.

We met in detail with appearance browser and learned to search for information on the Internet. In this lesson you will learn how to copy information from the Internet (how to copy pictures from the Internet, how to copy text from the Internet).

Open your browser and let's continue exploring the Internet.

How to copy from the Internet

We surf the internet to find some information. Basically it is, of course, the text (useful articles, recipes, tips, etc.). When you find the data you need, it is best to copy it to your computer.

As the page from which we will copy the data , we use the page of the previous lesson. Open the page.

You have found desired text . Let's save it so that you don’t have to look for it every time.

For example, let's try to copy a paragraph that says what the Internet is (3 paragraph above). Place the mouse cursor at the very beginning of the paragraph (before the word “Internet”), press and hold the left mouse button. Now with the left mouse button, move the cursor to the end of the paragraph (after the word “Information”). The paragraph will be highlighted as in the image.

After selecting the text, right-click on it and in the menu that appears, click “Copy”. Or you can press the “CTRL” and “C” keys on the keyboard at the same time. The text will be copied to the clipboard.

Minimize the browser window (horizontal stick icon in the right top corner browser). If you have any other programs or packs open, then roll them up too. You should only see the desktop. Now we will create a text document on the desktop and save the text in it.

Right-click once in any empty place desktop. In the menu that appears, select “Create,” then “Text Document.”


Open this document (double-click the left mouse button).

Right-click in any area of ​​the text document. From the menu, select “Paste” (or simultaneously press “CTRL” and “V”). The copied text will appear in the text document.

It remains only to save the changes in a text document. In the text document menu, click on “file” and “Save”. Now you can rename or move the document with the information to the folder you need. If you forgot how to do this, then repeat.

To copy pictures from the Internet you need to find the picture you like (for the test I will use the picture with the image of the browser tabs).

Right-click on this picture and select “copy picture” in the menu that appears.

When We copied the text, We pasted it into a text document. But the picture cannot be inserted into a simple text document. A picture can be inserted into a document Microsoft Word .

Create on the desktop new document Misrosoft Word. Similar to how we created a text document (right-click on the desktop, create, Microsoft document Word).

Similar to how we created a text document (right-click on the desktop, create,   Microsoft document   Word)

Like text, you can insert a picture through the menu (right-click anywhere on the document “Insert Parameters” or press “CTRL” and “V” at the same time).

Like text, you can insert a picture through the menu (right-click anywhere on the document “Insert Parameters” or press “CTRL” and “V” at the same time)

A picture appears in the document. From the “File” menu, select “Save”.

How to copy text and pictures at the same time

Quite often you need to copy text and pictures (for example, recipe ) We will not waste time on separate copy text and pictures, but copy them together.

Select the text from the “Tabs” section with the mouse, along with the picture. To do this, place the mouse cursor after the word “Tabs”. Press and hold the left mouse button and move the cursor to the phrase “Address bar”. You select both text and image.

You select both text and image

You just have to create a new Microsoft Word document and paste the text and pictures there.


Copying text and pictures from the Internet are the main actions that you will perform while spending time on the Internet.

In the next lesson, we will finish learning the basics of the Internet and learn how to save the entire site pages, add pages to bookmarks, and work with links.

On your computer, so that they are available for you to print, to view without access to the Internet, or you may want to create your own small library in files.

  • To do this, we need it, point it at the arrow and double-click on it twice quickly with the left mouse button, it opens with us.
  • Further in address bar , or in some other way that you are looking for, find the text you want.
  • We will train on the biography of Leonard da Vinci. So we type: “da Vinci’s biography”, and press enter .
  • We are opening sites that have information about Leonardo da Vinci; we point the arrow at one of them and left-click.
  • We have a small piece of text about Leonardo da Vinci. For example, we want to copy this small paragraph, let's start small. To do this, we bring the arrow as close as possible to the first letter of the paragraph , so that it comes out a little bit and turns into a double stick.
  • After you saw the wand, click on the mouse and hold the left mouse button, hold it and lead throughout the text. It is possible to draw diagonally through the entire text, and the entire text will stand out, that is, it will be colored blue. After you have finished the end of the text, the left button needs to be released.
  • And point the arrow at the highlighted blue text.
  • After we pointed at the blue selected color, right-click, once.
  • A small menu appears, in it we press the copy button.
  • After that, close our browser.
  • On the desktop, where we click, again, with the right mouse button.
  • A menu appears, and here we hover over the word create . In this menu we are looking for a line with the words "Word". There may be written "", " Word document "," Word text document ", etc. But the main, keyword here is the word. After you find it, click on it with the left mouse button.
  • We have here on the desktop here is such a document.
  • After that, we point the arrow at its icon, at the square, and quickly double-click the left mouse button. It opens with us. When it opens, we will see a clean white sheet. This is a prototype of a regular A4 sheet, and such a vertical stick blinks on it.
  • Bring the arrow as close to this vertical stick as possible and right-click.
  • A menu appears in which we find the words “insertion parameters” and click on the first icon under the insertion parameters . Left-click and we have the text inserted. If suddenly you do not have the words paste options , then you find the word paste in your menu, and also click it with the left mouse button.
  • After that, it remains for us to survive. To save, we go to the upper left corner and look for the word file there . We click on the word file , and here we click on the save as button.
  • After that, click on the words, and here we have such a window. If it immediately opened for you, without a preliminary menu, as I had, then here you also click on the words Desktop again, find them on the left side and click on them.
  • And then below we have the line file name. We put the cursor after all the letters and erase everything that is written there, and put your own. We, in this case, inserted a piece of the biography of Leonardo da Vinci, respectively, and type in: “da Vinci's biography”, and then click on the save button.

We have saved the text, and now you can use it at any time without an Internet connection.

The text information of web pages can always be saved on a computer. Moreover, in order to produce this action , installation of special programs is not required. However, in some situations, the question of how to copy text from the Internet to a computer requires special clarification. Since sometimes web developers implement special scripts that prohibit the copy process standard method . There are several reasons for actions of this kind, nevertheless open text in the public domain can always be saved for the purpose of its detailed study.

Method number 1: Transfer the source of information in its original form on a PC

The most elementary way of texting from the Internet to a computer is in three simple steps:

  • From the page you are interested in, right-click once.
  • In the drop-down menu, select "Save As ...".
  • In the next window, you need to name the file and indicate the location on your hard drive where it will be located.

Standard remedy No. 2

In some situations, you need to copy only part of the text information.

  • We draw a marker to the initial symbol and, holding the left mouse button, stretch to the final sign of the desired fragment.
  • Right-click on the selected area and select "Copy" in the displayed menu.
  • Open any and in the "Edit" menu, activate the "Paste" tab.

This save option is another somewhat simplified practical answer to the question of how to copy text from the Internet to a computer. However, the effectiveness of its use significantly increases its beneficial features .

Windows "

  • Follow the first paragraph of the previous steps.
  • Now you need to press the sequential key combination “Ctrl + C”, which means “Copy”.
  • Then open text editor activate the buttons "Ctrl + V", that is, "Paste".

But how to copy text from the Internet to a computer if standard tools do not work?

Almost every keyboard has a “ Print screen ". Using this key you “photograph” the visible area of ​​the browser and then open “Paint” or “Word”, insert the copied screenshot into the editor using the familiar key combination “Ctrl + V”. However, for further work with editing, etc.) you need to install special program " ABBYY FineReader ". However, today there are a sufficient number of online services that allow you to convert graphically displayed characters into text files.

Browser extensions

Specially installed plugins allow the user to save web pages in the required format. However, the IE browser is most suitable for actions that answer the question of how to copy text from the Internet, since the built-in browser tools allow additional installations save web pages in text format.

  • Left-click on the gear icon (upper right corner).
  • Now select “File” - “Save As ...”.
  • Give the name of the object to be copied.
  • In the “File Type” checkbox, find the “.txt” format, usually this is the last line.


The above ways to copy text with standard Windows tools , allow you to understand the general algorithm of actions for conservation and further work with files. However, there are many other equally effective features of the system associated with the moments of saving and subsequent editing of documents various types and formats.

How to save text from a secure site?
How to save text from a secure site?
What to do in this case?
But how to copy text from the Internet to a computer if standard tools do not work?