How to insert a footer from the third page. Double page numbering in MS Word

  1. How to number pages in Word 2007
  2. How to arrange page numbering
  3. How to remove a number from the first sheet
  4. How to put the numbering of pages in Word 2010
  5. Method one.
  6. The second way.
  7. How to remove a number from the title page
  8. How to change the pagination in Word 2010
  9. How to number pages in Word 2013

You created the necessary document in the Word program, but you do not know how to number the pages in it? Then you came to the right place. In this article we will tell you about how this can be done.

There are many versions of popular Microsoft Office and periodically Microsoft releases various patches and add-ons. We will talk about how to number the pages in Word 2007 because it is used on personal computers more often than others. However, it is worth noting that for Microsoft Word 2010 steps for setting page numbering are similar. So let's get started.

How often do you use Word?

Find the " Insert " tab in the top toolbar and click on it. Next, find the tab " Headers and Footers ", and in it - the tab "Page Number ".

You will have a list. In it, select the number format you like (at the top, bottom or in the margin of the page, as well as in the current position) and click on it with the left button. A list opens in which you will be offered different kinds numbering.

Here, in general, and all.

If you need to be numbered from a certain number, then first repeat the first steps, and then in the tab “Page number ” select the line “ Format page numbers ...”

If you want to number the pages in the Word in a special format (for example, select in bold or underline), then first enter the so-called footer editing mode, which can be done by double-clicking on the page number. Edit the number as you need it. This format will be applied to all other numbers on the pages.

When finished, double-click anywhere on the page (but not in the header and footer field) or at the “ Close the header and footer window ” option.

If you want the first page of your document not to be numbered (for example, you need to make a cover page), then this can be done in two ways.

  • First way: Find the “ Page Layout ” tab in the top panel and then “Page Settings ”. Open this window in full view by clicking the arrow in the lower right corner. Find the “ Paper Source ” tab, and in the “ Distribute headers and footers ” section, check the box next to the “first page”.
  • Second method: Enter the header and footer editing mode you already know by double-clicking on the header and footer field. In the panel " Options " find the option " Special footer for the first page ”and select it. Finally, close the footer window.

Now you know how to number the pages in Word 2007 and 2010.

Microsoft Word - adored by students, office workers and writers program for working with printed text. Out of habit, the Russians shortened the name to the word "Word". One of the problems that arise from uninformed users is how to number pages.

Why do I need to list the pages?

  • to create meaningful abstracts,
  • for writing lengthy essays, essays,
  • for registration of diploma projects, coursework,
  • to give the completeness of dissertations, scientific works,
  • for the layout of articles
  • for orientation in the work of fiction,
  • to systematize any coherent text.

Many scholars and students far from the cares of science write the numbers below the sheets by hand. But it takes a lot of time, and even looks ugly - what if a mistake? Is it really necessary to print the text in a new way? Let's figure out which side to go in to solve this little problem as a result.

How to number pages in Word 2007

The old, familiar and understandable version of 2007 is more common than others, so let's start with it. Find where in the Word page numbering: hover the cursor and click the right mouse button on the "Insert" tab.

On the wide panel of the tab, stretched in the gray box above the text, the “Page Number” box is located. He plays a key role in the question,% how to put the pagination in the Word 2007%. Feel free to move the cursor over the box with the cherished letters, click twice. This will result in a drop-down menu. There will be presented to your choice three non-original options - “At the bottom of the page”, “On the Fields”, “Above”.

There will be presented to your choice three non-original options - “At the bottom of the page”, “On the Fields”, “Above”

The option “delete page numbers” is intended to perform the opposite actions - by clicking on this line you can remove page numbers in Word 2007. Choose, for example, the standard variant of how to number pages in Word 2007 - at the bottom of the page.

How to arrange page numbering

Before your eyes will appear the templates needed, so that the user understands exactly how the blocking with the number will look like. It can be standard black, color, large, with a line that cuts it off from the main text. Patterns about 20. For example, use a large color 3. Point the cursor, click.

The numbering instantly appears, and with its appearance, the Designer menu is displayed at the top.

You can:

  • indent from edges
  • paste the picture, vignette, watermark
  • remove the signature from the first page, etc.

How to remove a number from the first sheet

In two clicks the problem is solved, as in the Word, do not number the first pages. Find in the menu "Designer" the phrase "special first page footer". Put a tick there and enjoy the beautiful design of your epoch-making work - whether it is a student's essay or an ironic detective story of your authorship.

To clean up the page numbering in Word 2007, you can in the “Designer” by first clicking on the line “Page number” and then on “Delete page numbers”.

How to put the numbering of pages in Word 2010

Word 2010 is a tricky program not only because it saves text in a sometimes not open format. docx. In the useful software there is a lot of "highlights". So, there are two ways how to number pages in Word 2010.

Method one.

Traditionally, we begin to figure out how to number the pages in Word 2010 by browsing the menu tabs. Find the "Insert" (adjacent to the "Main" tab on the left), click on it.

Find the square with the characters "Page Number". Click. A familiar panel will fall out - see below, which one. The choice of the template is traditionally yours. Forms - exactly as in the 2007th Word.

The problem of how to number pages in Word 2010 has been successfully solved.

The second way.

This technique is also simple. See fields open document ? Click on the bottom of the randomly selected page about where you were going to number the pages in the Word. A jabber appears plus the “Footer” label.

Meanwhile, at the same time, the useful menu will be displayed at the top.

Then select the button "page number". Double click on it. Then click on the line you like, choosing how to number pages in the Word - at the top, bottom or side.

On the monitor you will notice changes. The “Designer” tab will automatically open, where you will continue to perform actions. Select a template for the proposed scheme.

Everything, you managed to automatically number pages in the Word.

How to remove a number from the title page

In the 2010 version of the menu "Designer", which appears at the top after clicking on the footer, there are empty boxes for ticks. Select the line “special footer of the first page”, by clicking the mouse put a tick there, and “one” with title page will be gone. But it will appear on the second sheet.

How to change the pagination in Word 2010

When an excerpt of text is necessary to print separately, and it is far from the beginning, a special option of Word 2010 will do. In the already used “Constructor” choose “Format page numbers”.

Having clicked, look at the pop-up window. Place a point with the induced cursor next to the phrase “start with”. And dial the number with which, in your opinion, it is necessary to do the pagination in the Word.

The numeric characters you specify will appear right there.

Need to remove pagination in Word?

Solution: button “Working with headers and footers”, then “Designer”, then “Page number”, and finally - “Delete numbers”.

How to number pages in Word 2013

Version 2013 looks concise. There is a lot of free space, it helps to quickly navigate, dealing with tabs. To make the pagination in the Word 2013, it is necessary with the expanded document to find the tab "Insert".

In the extended full menu "Insert" find "Page Number". Click and see typical variations of placement of signatures on the sheets.

Click once again on the lines with arrows. Choose a template that will allow in the Word to number the pages automatically.

Note that the pagination in the Word 2013 is more interesting. So, when you click on a number, a small socket immediately pops up in which you can change the font, the color of the same tsiferka.

Remove the numbers from the title page by clicking on the footer from the bottom, then going to the "Designer" menu, and there you will find the "Special first page footer".

The complete absence of tsiferok will easily provide a technique for how to remove pagination in a Word:

  1. Click on the symbol - the numerical designation of the sheet.
  2. Delete it with the Backspace button.
  3. Voila - the numbers have disappeared.

Voila - the numbers have disappeared

You can change the digital designation of pages in the 2013 version, relying on the indispensable "Designer". There, clicking on the “Page Number”, select the format and in the pop-up window check the box “begin with”.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult about spacer numbers on the sheets. And it is not at all required to carry out this laborious process manually. For your convenience, the developers have already provided many useful options with which a wide range of problems can be solved in semi-automatic mode. From you only need a couple of clicks of the mouse.

The article is relevant when using MS Word 2007, 2010 and higher.

Recently, I faced the problem of double page numbering in a Word document, when end-to-end numbering is in the footer, and internal numbering by section is in the upper footer. I read a lot of tips on how to do it correctly / quickly / better, but in the end I had to unscrew my arms before I came up with a rather simple algorithm:
1. The document must be divided into sections;

2. In each section, go to the header and footer field (in the event that you have no continuous numbering at the top) and uncheck the option “As in the previous section”;

3. Make through numbering for the entire document in the footer;

4. Then in each section on the first page enter the formula by which the subsection page will be determined.

As you can see, everything is simple. Now I will tell you more.

1. Find in the document the beginning of the first subsection, which assumes its own numbering. In this place, instead of the usual page break, you need to do the following: select the menu option Page Layout -> Page Settings -> Breaks -> Section Breaks -> Current Page . Now you have determined the beginning of a new section.

2. On the same page, double-click on the header and in the Word main menu we find Constructor -> Transitions , click As in the previous section (disable this option) . Because the top numbering in each subsection will be different.

Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all subsections.

3. Make in the footer a continuous numbering for the entire document. Double click on the footer, select the menu item Page Number -> At the top of the page, mark the numbering style you like, then go to Page Number -> Page Number Format and select Arabic numerals.
If you have the first title page and it should be taken into account in the numbering, but not numbered, then we position ourselves on it and double-clicking the left mouse button on the footer, click the menu item Designer -> Options -> Special footer for the first page. WITH footer have finished.

4. Go to the first page of the first subsection, perform step 3. Now we have the same page number at the top and bottom, and if you order the numbering “starting from the n-th page” at the top, then automatically only the section numbering will be at the bottom. , but not through. Therefore, we must proceed as follows: page header You have open, now press the key combination Alt + F9, in place of the page number should appear {PAGE \ * MERGEFORMAT}. This inscription needs to be converted to the formula you need. For example, if my subsection starts with the 13th page of the entire document, then the formula will look like this: {= {PAGE \ * MERGEFORMAT} -12}. There is one caveat here: do not type the curly brackets manually, they appear when you select a variable and press Ctrl + F9 . Edit the formula, and now press Alt + F9 again and get the numbering you need.

How often do you use Word?
Why do I need to list the pages?
But it takes a lot of time, and even looks ugly - what if a mistake?
Is it really necessary to print the text in a new way?
Need to remove pagination in Word?