Probably many users began to see this error after the latest updates of their CMS, in particular, they updated WordPress jQuery libraries, which affected a large number of scripts on websites. For example, slider scripts and galleries that use various jQuery effects and features, began to work incorrectly. Some sliders stopped flipping slides, and galleries stopped opening photos or enlarging them, but all these problems can be solved.
The most common error that occurs after updating jQuery libraries is an error: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not function
This error most often occurs due to the updated variables and the syntax of writing parameters, and it is most likely that you have written in your scripts like this:
$ (document). ready (function () {
it should be like this:
jQuery (document). ready (function ($) {
Correct your scripts that give errors in accordance with what was written above and the error disappears, for example, the slider did not work for me , the page turned off just turned off , the problem occurred because CMS Wordspress used an updated version of jQuery library, and the scripts in the template were written for the older version, it was enough to fix the scripts as described above and the problem disappeared.
Leave your feedback or write your questions in the comments, we will try to help if you have any difficulties.
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